Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Harnessing the power of your vision

Remember when you were a kid and you wanted something you saw, say, at the store?

There's a single-mindedness that took over: you had to have that thing. Let's say you're a teenager and it's a pair of jeans that you have to have.

Well, back in my day my parents took care of my needs and indulged some of my wants but I always was willing to do something in order to get the things I wanted. Look dad, I washed the car, will you get me those shoes I saw now??? I was a good one for that!

Well, I remember back when Guess was a fairly new brand (to me, anyway) and I just had to have these jeans. I'd visit them in the store. Hope they'd go on sale. Save my money. Plot ways to make more money. Visit the jeans. Shop around in case they were somewhere else for less money. You get the picture.

I had this vision of me and those jeans together. I wasn't going to stop until I had those jeans. And yes, I did get those jeans!

When's the last time I applied that kind of single-mindedness to my journey to lose these 50 pounds?

It's been a minute. I've not lost focus but I'll be the first to admit I've allowed other things to distract me. I did it, no one else. Because when you really want something, you find a way to make it happen. It's just that simple.

Just a moment ago, I put a reminder on the calendar in my phone to write in my vision book every day. I want to remember why I want what I want and that I'm not stopping until I get there. I need to bond with my book more, put more of my thoughts into it. I need to obsess about this on a regular basis. Make behaviors that progress me toward my goals automatic. Because I just HAVE to reach my goals, failure is NOT an option. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades, it's not good enough for me. I have to reach my goals!

More me time is in order - more time with my vision for me.

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