Friday, September 4, 2009

The Secrets of Positive People

You can complain because roses have thorns. Or you can rejoice that thorns have roses.

~ Ziggy

The secrets of positive people

Positive people tend to have many similar characteristics, such as respecting everyone's contribution to a project and knowing during hard times that things will get better. They have the power to make that change happen, an understanding that their attitudes can directly affect outcomes, and a commitment to increasing positive thoughts and diminishing negative ones. Are you putting effort towards becoming a more positive person?
Avoid complaining when things are turning sour, realize that the negatives and the positives in life will level out, and take responsibility for your life and actions. You are the only person responsible for your attitude--and your life.

Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality. ~ Ralph Marston

Are you a positive person? I am! These days, I'm not just positive about everyone else's ability to make their dreams become their goals and their goals a reality. I'm positive I will do it, too!

Stay positive, in the face of adversity, in spite of negativity and naysayers. Prove everybody wrong and do it with a smile and say hey, I told you I could do this all along!

Yay, me!!!

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